Wartburg Works With Startup Spiritune a Data Driven Scientific Approach to Music and Brain Health to Relieve Anxiety and Stress of Caregivers During COVID-19 Crisis
Mount Vernon, N.Y. (April 13, 2020) Amid the unprecedented restrictions placed on senior living facilities due to COVID-19, and the demands on direct care staff, Wartburg, a premiere senior residential provider in lower Westchester County, New York, has found a way to help ease feelings of anxiety and stress among their direct staff caregivers. To do so, they’ve employed a digital solution that combines principles of music therapy with neuroscience to help the caregivers better manage distressing and uncomfortable emotions.
Developed by the New York City startup Spiritune, the application allows Wartburg staff caregivers to manage their own stress levels, as resident family visitation has been prohibited and group activities have been curtailed due to social distancing mandates. “This is a time when organizations like Spiritune can step in with something innovative, because there will be a new normal,” says David Gentner, Wartburg President and CEO. “Our challenge is to offer another level of relief in a time when both residents and caregivers need access to simple tools to manage stress. Music has always done this for me and it is a pleasure to work with the Spiritune team on their music therapy informed application.”
Music therapy is something Wartburg and Spiritune know well, as Dr. Concetta M. Tomaino conducts sessions for Wartburg residents and has served as a clinical advisor for Spiritune. Jamie Pabst, the founder and CEO of Spiritune, is pleased to see this technology help senior living facilities weather the coronavirus storm. “During these difficult times, organizations are turning to new innovations to overcome challenges,” she says. “We are very proud to work with Wartburg, Dr. Tomaino, and the Institute for Music and Neurologic Function to introduce an easy-to-use application that significantly enhances daily life for the staff.”
To learn more about how Spiritune is helping direct staff caregivers at senior living facilities through the COVID-19 crisis, visit their website today.
About Wartburg
Wartburg, located in Westchester County, NY, offers integrated, comprehensive senior residential and healthcare services. Unlike conventional retirement communities, Wartburg provides a wide range of services to both residents living on their beautiful 34-acre campus and people in their own homes. From independent, assisted living and award-winning nursing home care to inpatient/outpatient rehabilitation, home care and adult day care services, their continuing care approach has earned them a trusted reputation. Wartburg also provides caregiver support at every stage with an array of options to find the level of care that considers the whole family. Wartburg was named one of the “Best Nursing Homes in New York State” by U.S. News & World Report for the ninth consecutive year in 2019.
About Institute for Music and Neurologic Function
The IMNF is a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) organization. Founded in 1995, the IMNF is driven by over 35 years of clinical observations on the actual effects of music on individuals who have different types of physical and neurological disorders. Directed by renowned music therapist Dr. Concetta M. Tomaino, the IMNF conducts research on the relationship between music and the brain, provides patients with music therapy, and offers our professional peers around the world the latest music therapy education and training information about best practices. Through the scientific exploration of music and the brain, the IMNF seeks to establish new knowledge and to develop more effective music therapy treatments to awaken, stimulate and heal through the extraordinary power of music.
IMNF Website Homepage: www.imnf.org
IMNF Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/musictherapy.imnf
IMNF YouTube Page: www.youtube.com/imnf2008
Wartburg Website Homepage: www.wartburg.org
Wartburg Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/thewartburg
Wartburg Twitter Page: www.twitter.com/thewartburg
Wartburg Instagram Page: www.instagram.com/wartburgadultcare
Wartburg LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-wartburg-adult-care-community/
YouTube Page: www.youtube.com/wartburgny

Photo Caption: Spiritune app
Contact: Dr. Concetta M. Tomaino, DA, LCAT, MT-BC