New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo Recognizes Wartburg’s Michaela Byrnes
MOUNT VERNON, N.Y. – May 28, 2020 – New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo recognized longtime Wartburg Therapeutic Recreation Director Ms. Michaela Byrnes for her work in resident and family communication during visitation restrictions and Wartburg’s pandemic response efforts.
In a letter to Ms. Byrnes, the Governor thanked her for her extraordinary work and compassionate efforts as we face one of the biggest public health crisis in our history. Also in his letter, Governor Cuomo stated: “Please also extend my sincere appreciation to your fellow co-workers at Wartburg for their remarkable commitment and sacrifice amidst this terrifying pandemic. I am blessed to have selfless individuals like yourselves who continue to offer assistance to those in critical need despite the fear and uncertainty currently surrounding us.”
Michaela Byrnes said of the honor, “I am very appreciative to the Greeley family who took the time to write to Governor Cuomo during this difficult time and it is was an honor to see his response included recognizing everyone at Wartburg. Family communication is now a 24-7 job within the Therapeutic Recreation department and while all of us have a part to play, I consider our department the lucky ones who get to provide these special moments for our residents and their family members.”
Ms. Byrnes, is a 21-year employee of Wartburg and was appointed to the prestigious 2013 LeadingAge New York Leadership Academy, the state’s association’s yearlong program providing enhancing the leadership capacity of aging-services professionals so they are better equipped to serve the aging-services field.
“I feel very fortunate to have the ability, with assistance of course, to not only talk to my beloved family members but to see their beautiful faces as well”, said Ms. Mimi Greeley. “This modern technology is wonderful!”
Dr. David J. Gentner, Wartburg President & CEO, said, “Lately, it doesn’t always feel like the work we do is appreciated so the Governor’s recognition of Michaela has a halo effect on those of us who still desire to serve the field of senior care and housing in the aftermath of physically and emotionally challenging times.”
About Wartburg
Wartburg, located in Westchester County, NY, offers integrated, comprehensive senior residential and healthcare services. Unlike conventional retirement communities, Wartburg provides a wide range of services to both residents living on their beautiful 34-acre campus and people in their own homes. From independent, assisted living and award-winning nursing home care to inpatient/outpatient rehabilitation, home care and adult day care services, their continuing care approach has earned them a trusted reputation. Wartburg also provides caregiver support at every stage with an array of options to find the level of care that considers the whole family. Wartburg was named one of the “Best Nursing Homes in New York State” by U.S. News & World Report for the ninth consecutive year in 2019.
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Photo caption: Ms. Mimi Greeley and Michaela Byrnes
Photo credit: Claudette Grant
To view New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s letter to Michaela Byrnes, click here.