Wartburg Offers Support for Caregivers
Wartburg is offering a six-week class for caregivers called “SupportU.” This is a class for anyone who is or was or will be a caregiver, and for those who may need a caregiver. In other words, it is for everyone!
Anyone interested is welcome to come and bring friends! There is no charge for the sessions, but we do ask that people call the number on the brochure to register. That number is 914-513-5172.
The first class will be on Wednesday, April 9 from 6:00 to 7:30 pm. The sessions will be held in the new Wartburg Adult Day Center on Wartburg’s Mount Vernon Campus. People may come to all of them or to only the ones that interest them. Light refreshments will be provided.
Support U Class Schedule
Wednesdays from 6 – 7:30 pm at the Adult Day Center
· April 9 – Planning Ahead
· April 16 – Finding, Creating and Using Resources
· April 23 – Self Care for the Caregiver
· April 30 – Family Dynamics and Communication
· May 7 – Dementia, Chronic Illness and the Family
· May 14 – Financial Well-Being
These sessions will provide opportunities to learn and discuss various subjects around care giving, which affects more and more people all the time. In addition, we plan to have various expert guests present as resources for each of the topics presented.
Wartburg offers this “SupportU” series to the wider community as a service to all who face the challenges of caring for a loved one – or supporting those who care for loved ones. Again, this issue affects or will affect everyone at some time in their life.
For more information contact: Rev. Carol Fryer, Pastor at Wartburg
Director of Spiritual Care and Church Relations