Wartburg Hosted a Family Mother’s Day Parade on Sunday, May 10th
MOUNT VERNON, N.Y. – May 10th, 2020 (Mother’s Day) – Wartburg hosted a Family Parade of nearly 50 cars and hundreds of passengers on its 34-acre campus on Sunday, May 10th in recognition of Mother’s day.
The goal was to help brighten the day for residents on the campus who are unfortunately restricted from in-person family visits. Wartburg began restricting non-essential visitation prior to New York enacted its regulations. The parade began at 11:00am and proceeded through the campus, making two trips around the 34-acre property. Residents and staff in all buildings were able to see and hear the parade. Dozens of family care packages were delivered to the residents.
The Mayor of the City of Mount Vernon, Shawyn Patterson-Howard, helped lead the parade of vehicles decorated with signs, balloons and all beeping horns. Several Wartburg Board Members were in attendance as well. Robert Ranieri, Wartburg’s Home Board Chairman, whose mother is a Friedrichs building resident stated, “I am so glad Wartburg had this event. My family was able to wave to our Mother in her window and when we spoke with her after, she was overjoyed. These are tough times for all, but it is special to have a moment like this with her and we thank the Wartburg staff for putting it together.”
Maria Provenzano, of Meadowview, said of the parade “I know it is difficult for the residents not being able to see loved ones in-person, so the Mother’s Day Parade lifted their spirits, will help remind them of the outside world, and of course was both fun and safe! Residents not only miss seeing their family members, but they miss group celebrations and the excitement that looking forward to these events bring to their lives.”
Dr. David J. Gentner, Wartburg President & CEO, said “The staff considered different ideas to make Mother’s Day special due to the visitation restrictions and the campus was well suited to a parade of vehicles. We also had the gift of a very nice sunny day,” said Gentner. Michaela Byrnes, Therapeutic Recreation Director, said “The Mothers Day Parade was a way to provide for another layer of family connectivity while also practicing social distancing.”
There has been an overwhelming community appreciation for the courageous care giving staff on this campus who have worked under unprecedented physically and emotionally challenging circumstances. Our gratitude for their passion, commitment, and continued service is everlasting.
About Wartburg
Wartburg, located in Westchester County, NY, offers integrated, comprehensive senior residential and healthcare services. Unlike conventional retirement communities, Wartburg provides a wide range of services to both residents living on their beautiful 34-acre campus and people in their own homes. From independent, assisted living and award-winning nursing home care to inpatient/outpatient rehabilitation, home care and adult day care services, their continuing care approach has earned them a trusted reputation. Wartburg also provides caregiver support at every stage with an array of options to find the level of care that considers the whole family. Wartburg was named one of the “Best Nursing Homes in New York State” by U.S. News & World Report for the ninth consecutive year in 2019.
Wartburg Website Homepage: www.wartburg.org
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Wartburg LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-wartburg-adult-care-community/
YouTube Page: www.youtube.com/wartburgny