Wartburg awarded the Innovation of the Year Award for SeniorU, a college degree program for retirees-now offering free college credits this Fall

Wartburg, a premier senior residential and healthcare provider, was recently awarded the 2018 Innovation of the Year Award from LeadingAge NY, an organization that represents not-for-profit,
mission-driven and public continuing care providers, predominately in senior care services for its pioneering SeniorU program. This program offers Westchester County retirees the chance to earn up to three free college credits from Concordia College this Fall on Wartburg’s historic 34-acre campus.
“The Wartburg and Concordia College were recognized by LeadingAge New York for the creation of SeniorU, an innovative program offering college education for seniors in an affordable and accessible way. The Wartburg and Concordia College have made life-long learning a reality for seniors in Westchester County,” said Jim Clyne, President & CEO of LeadingAge New York.
Combining the educational excellence of Concordia College with Wartburg’s expertise in senior care and services, SeniorU will give older adults the opportunity to engage in participatory classes designed with seniors, for seniors and taught by seniors with classes that relate to this part of their life’s journey.
“There are thousands of seniors in this region within the Liberation Phase of their lives looking for opportunities to live their best life,” said Dr. David J. Gentner, Wartburg President & CEO. “As a senior service provider, Wartburg is thrilled to be a part of SeniorU. The program is truly unique yet also replicable and I am hopeful that my colleagues across the country will look for similar partnership opportunities.”
Concordia College President Dr. John Nunes added, “SeniorU is indeed an ‘Innovation’: the program finds a new way to bring the rich benefits of education to seniors, and fits right in with Concordia’s mission to help people live lives of passion, purpose and service.”
Classes include how to communicate with loved ones through social media, to move and breathe in ways that improve circulation and posture and how to share personal stories to make an impact on others. Participants will grow, share and learn in a community of learners of similar age. Classes begin on October 15 and are from 10am – 1:30pm 3 days a week for five weeks. Free lunch is provided.
“On behalf of Westchester’s Aging Network, we are proud to extend congratulations to Wartburg in recognition of receiving the LeadingAge New York Innovative Award for SeniorU,” said Mae Carpenter, Commissioner of Westchester County Senior Programs and Services and Wartburg Board member. “Wartburg continuously opens its doors and heart to the community encouraging older persons to not limit their growth and development to become all that they can be. Thank you Wartburg for your caring and commitment.”
For more information please call Concordia’s Office of Admission at (914) 337-9300 x2152 or visit www.Concordia-NY.EDU/SeniorU.
About Wartburg
Wartburg, located in Westchester County, NY, offers integrated, comprehensive senior residential and healthcare services. Unlike conventional retirement communities, Wartburg provides a wide range of services to both residents living on its beautiful 34-acre campus and people in their own homes. From independent, assisted living and award-winning nursing home care to inpatient/outpatient rehabilitation, home care and adult day care services, its continuing care approach has earned Wartburg a trusted reputation in Westchester. Wartburg also provides caregiver support at every stage with an array of options to find the level of care that considers the whole family. Most recently, Wartburg was named one of the “Best Nursing Homes in New York State” by U.S. News & World Report for the eighth consecutive year in 2018. In addition, Wartburg received the 2016 Eli Pick Facility Leadership Award from the American College of Health Care Administrators and the 2015 Legacy Award from the Westchester County Chapter of the Links
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